Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lessons Learned

"God on Campus" encouraged adults and students to think about ways we can support our college students.  Here are some ideas we discussed:

1)  To parents: Consider reviewing options for campus ministry with your teenager when they arrive on campus.  Make this a family activity rather than leaving it to chance that your new college student will seek out all options.

2)  To church members: Freshmen proudly refer to their home churches as "my church."  Four years later, these students talk about the same church as "the church I used to go to."  A home church can find many ways to support college students such as sending care packages, noticing them when they come home for a visit, and letting them know they can still offer prayer concerns or contact the home church minister.

3)  To students: Recognize the difference between "safe" and "dangerous" campus ministry programs.  A church should not require you to do certain tasks or think certain things to be a part of a group.  God's grace is free.  Christ's love is free.  God's Spirit moves freely throughout the world.  A campus ministry should model the freedom we feel as a member of Christ's holy kingdom.

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